Josephine Keller

Josephine Keller enlisted into the U.S. Air Force in September 1991 and served for more than 26 years, including participation in Operations Southern Watch, Joint Guard, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Noble Eagle, and New Dawn. During her first deployment to Saudi Arabia in 1996, Keller’s unit was housed in the Khobar Towers when a truck carrying a bomb was detonated, killing 19 and injuring Keller and over 400 other personnel. At the time of the attack, Keller was out for a fitness walk. She had just passed the front when the bomb was detonated. The blast slammed her to the ground. Keller recalled, “I felt like a weight was holding me down and then like my head was in a bowl echoing and I couldn’t hear. I ran with another Airman, and tried to enter a building but, glass was crashing down so we closed the doors & ran towards the center of the compound where we found others running for safety. Once I arrived at the center of the complex, I quickly started a triage area and worked on the wounded all through the night. The next afternoon I was ordered/escorted to be evaluated and treated for my own wounds.

Along with her Purple Heart, CMSgt Keller was awarded numerous medals and commendations during her service, including the Meritorious Service Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Aerial Achievement Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal with Valor & 1 Oak Leaf Cluster.

U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Josephine Keller was California's honoree during the 2023 Purple Heart Patriot Project Mission.